You Should Support

“The Party For People With Special Needs”


1) Recall

  • We believe that constituents should have the means to remove elected officials (MP, MPP, city councilors, mayors, etc.) from office when they lose confidence in their ability to do the job or when they betray the trust of the people. They would use a by-election to make their choice. They would need a petition signed by 5% of the eligible voters in the electoral district or ward to activate this process.

2) Democratic Constitution Making

  • We support a democratic process of constitutional reform that includes constitutional conventions. Constitutional changes must be submitted and approved through a referendum.
  • We support and recognize the need for electoral reform so that 25% of the population can not award 100% of the power to the government.

3) Senate Reform

  • We support the Triple-E Senate Concept. Elected by the people, with equal representation from each province, and effective powers to protect regional interests and act as a check on the House of Commons.

4) Ethics In Government

  • We believe that all government officials need to be held to the highest ethical standards. We believe that in cases where government officials are found to have been in violation of the ethical standards they should be removed from office, have their government pay stopped, have their benefits program cancelled and be prosecuted to the full extent that the law provides.



5) Government Overspending / Transparency

  • We believe it is necessary to eliminate government deficits and debt at all levels of government. No government official should have the right to spend money without having the responsibility of paying it back. We believe overspending in the public sector discourages private investment, drives up taxes and interest rates, kills private-sector jobs, and erodes the government’s ability to fund social programs.
  • We believe all citizens of this country should have full transparency of government spending and know where their hard-earned tax money is being spent at all levels of government.
  • We believe that only the federal government should have the ability to run a deficit and this should only be done during periods of extreme emergency (National Disaster or In matters of National Defense (WAR).
  • We believe our elected officials should be held fully accountable for the money that they spend.
  • We believe the federal government is going to have to help provincial and municipal governments get relief from their huge debts in order to prevent a social services crisis in this country.

6) Balanced Budget

  • We believe government spending must be reduced. We support legislation that would compel the government at all levels to balance their budgets!

7) Federal Transfers

  • We believe that diminishing federal cash transfers to the provinces for health, education, and welfare should be replaced with a transfer of “tax room” where a share of tax revenue is transferred based on economic growth. This would provide the provinces with a stable long-term source of income for funding social programs and encourage them to create programs and policies that foster provincial economic growth.

8) Spending Priorities

  • We believe the government must establish spending priorities for social programs, as a necessary first step to eliminating budget deficits.

9) Infrastructure Development

  • We believe the purpose of infrastructure development should be to support long-term economic development, not to create temporary jobs for political reasons. The programs should be affordable, subject to rigorous cost-benefit analysis, and wherever possible be left in the hands of the private sector.
  • We recognize the need for government involvement in certain sectors like transportation where the cost of infrastructure may be too great for the private sector to manage. This includes a public transportation policy and system that will cheaply move mail, product, services, and people across the country. We recognize the need for access to public transit in even the remotest towns in this country.

10) Preserving Key Programs

  • We believe that keeping essential programs, especially social programs is necessary. We feel that growing interest payments on our National debt are threatening these programs and that stopping this debt from increasing will be critical if we want to maintain these programs in the future. We need to cut unnecessary spending and optimize all programs so they are both effective and affordable on a balanced budget.

11) Focused on Social Spending

  • We believe that social programs must be affordable and reliable over the long haul and that they must be focused on those who are more in need so they deliver maximum benefits at a minimum cost.

12) MP Pensions, Pay & Perks

  • We oppose excessive government pension plans and believe it should be brought in line with private-sector standards. We support the comprehensive review of these pensions, pay, and perks at all levels of government and at the executive level of all crown corporations.

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13) Free Market Economy

  • We believe in the creation of wealth and productive jobs through the operation of a competitive free-market economy.

14) Job Creation

  • We believe that permanent jobs are created primarily by the private sector and not by governments through public spending. We believe government can encourage job creation by cutting spending, balancing the budgets, lowering taxes, lowering the costs of doing business, increasing investor confidence, and increasing consumer spending.

15) Employment Insurance

  • We believe employment insurance should be self-funded and administered by employers and employees and designed to provide temporary income in the event of unexpected job loss.

16) Free Market Economy

  • We believe in the creation of wealth and productive jobs through the operation of a competitive free-market economy.

17) Free Trade

  • We believe that free trade can work for Canada if we remove inter-provincial trade barriers, lower tax burdens, and encourage education, retraining, and technological development.

18) Inter provincial Trade Barriers

  • We support the removal of all inter provincial trade barriers to foster the flow of goods, services, labour, and investment. We believe that a domestic agency will need to be created to resolve trade disputes and facilitate settlements when inter provincial conflicts arise.

19) Agricultural Safety Nets

  • We believe that it is necessary to consolidate the existing agricultural support programs into three major programs designed to protect producers from unfair foreign trade subsidies, natural hazards, and significant income fluctuations.

20) Supply Management

  • We believe it is necessary to help supply-managed sectors prepare to work in a free-trade economy.

21) Marketing Reforms

  • We believe that agricultural producer organizations should be controlled by the producers and not by government bureaucrats.

22) Fisheries

  • We support the establishment of economically and environmentally sustainable fishery industry, including the establishment of an independent commission to set up sustainable quotas. We support securing and enforcing international treaties to conserve offshore fisheries. We support the development of a fish farming industry to help protect our natural fish reserves and provide a reliable and sustainable source of food for this country and for export purposes.

23) Natural Resource Development

  • We support the private sector development of Canada’s natural resources without government subsidies and with the payment of royalties paid on the natural resources removed from Crown Lands.

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24) The goods and services Tax

  • We believe that once the budget is balanced the gradual phasing out of the goods and services tax should begin.

25) Flat Rate Tax Structure

  • We believe that a simpler tax system is needed that incorporates a flat tax rate structure, fewer loopholes, and larger basic exemptions to protect low and middle-income taxpayers.

26) Carbon Tax

  • We believe the carbon tax does not result in lower carbon emissions at any level of government. This tax is a money grab, increases the cost of living in Canada, and makes our businesses and industry less competitive in world markets. The carbon tax must be stopped at the federal level

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27) Unions

  • We support the rights of workers to organize democratically, to bargain collectively, and to strike peacefully.

28) Workers Rights

  • We believe that professional bodies may ensure standards, but should not block qualified people from working in a trade or profession or from gaining the necessary qualifications. We support the right as individual employees to refuse to allow any portion of their union dues to be paid to any cause which is not related to the function of the union that the employee does not personally support.

29) Labor-management Relations

  • We believe that labor and management have a common interest in ensuring the success of Canadian enterprises. We support the harmonization of labor-management relations to help make Canada more competitive.

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30) Environmental Protection

  • We believe the care and protection of our environment is essential to the economic and social well being of this country. We believe that legislation is required that will put strict limits on the amount of pollution being emitted into our environment and that proper enforcement of these policies is necessary to ensure compliance.

31) Sustainable Development

  • We believe that environmental considerations must carry equal weight with economic, social, and technical considerations in the development of any project. We recognize that the protection of the environment depends on the wealth generated by economic development.

32) Coordinated Environmental Action

  • We support the clarification of federal and provincial jurisdiction over environmental matters, and the development of a joint environmental review process.
  • We support tougher legislation to control pollution along with full enforcement of this legislation.

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33) Social Responsibility

  • We believe that Canadians have a personal and collective responsibility to care for and provide the basic needs of people who are unable to care and provide for themselves.

34) Alternatives to the Welfare State

  • We encourage the development of “Safety Nets” (like RRSPs) to reduce the dependence of Canadians on over-burdened government programs.

35) Canada/Quebec Pension Plan

  • We believe that CPP and QPP must be changed to adapt to the needs of an aging population.

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36) Health Care

  • We believe that every Canadian should have access to quality health care, regardless of their ability to pay. We support a national health care initiative that will provide a national standard health care program to every citizen across the country.
  • We believe that the provinces should be entitled to provide extended health benefits and additional programs to supplement the national program as they see fit.


37) Student Loans

  • We support the establishment of a fair and flexible student loan system that would tie the repayment of loans to a graduate’s income. This would ensure reasonable repayment terms, minimize the cost to taxpayers of defaulted loans, and make more educational funding available.
  • We believe education should be a priority at all levels of government and that all tax funds allocated to education should be fully transparent to the taxpayers that are funding these programs.
  • We believe that the cost of education should be reduced to students and that the government should offer grants to subsidize education so that students do not graduate with massive debt.
  • We believe an education at all levels should be funded fairly by the government. This includes private schools, trade schools, colleges, and institutes of higher education.
  • We believe that students enrolled in post-graduate education should also benefit from government subsidies to some degree.
  • We believe students should be able to choose what school they would like to go to.
  • We believe that parents are the primary educators of their children and should have an impact on the curriculums being taught to their children.
  • We believe children should be taught how to think and not what to think.

38) Job Skills Development

  • We believe government activities that support our human resources are essential to Canada’s economic growth. We believe these programs should focus on the development of job skills.

39) Education

  • We believe that education is an essential service and should be declared as such. All teachers should receive fair pay for a fair day’s work. This pay should recognize the fact that many teachers do volunteer for after-hours programs that benefit the children/students that they teach.

40) Educational Subsidies & Grants

  • We believe that education is a fundamental right for all Canadians. We believe that this right extends universally to all levels of education and that all educational institutions should be treated fairly and equally when it comes to government funding.

Every Canadian Deserves The Best Education Possible – CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE


41) Child Care

  • We believe that child-care programs are essential and should subsidize parents based on financial need, not the method of child care chosen.
  • We believe that private child care is an option as long as it is properly regulated, inspected, and standards are enforced.

42) Seniors Care

  • We believe that all Canadian seniors should have access to all the services that they require. This includes access to medication, caregivers, medical services, and help for family caregivers that may need relief as they care for their elder family members.


43) Criminal Justice

  • We support a criminal justice system that places the punishment of crime and the protection of law-abiding citizens and their property ahead of all other objectives.
  • We believe that terrorist organizations should be declared as enemies of the state and that all citizens that willfully leave the country to fight with these groups should be charged with high treason and be tried in a military court of law and not a criminal court.
  • We believe that Citizens that are known to be fighting and allied with an enemy of the state should not be welcomed back into this country and should be arrested and brought before a military court if they are found within our borders.

44) Victims Rights

  • We believe that victims must be allowed input in all criminal cases and parole hearings. Victims should also be compensated by the guilty party to the greatest extent possible.
  • We believe that once a citizen leaves the country to fight with the enemy they lose the right to be considered a “Victim” and become themselves an enemy of the state.

45) Young Offenders

  • We believe that stronger sentences for young offenders, and trial in adult court for older youths and serious offenders, are necessary. We believe the public should have access to the identity of most young criminals.
  • We believe that youth that runs away to fight with our enemy can no longer be considered as “Young offenders” and would need to be tried in a military court.
  • We believe it is the government’s priority to put programs in place that will intercept these young offenders and de-radicalize them before they leave the country to prevent their loss of rights as citizens and keep them safe and out of harm’s way.

46) Parole Reform

  • We believe that violent criminals must serve their full sentence, and should not be eligible for day or early parole. We also want to end the patronage of the appointment of the parole board members and put a democratic system in place for their selection.

47) Family Violence

  • We believe that family violence attacks the very foundation of our society and must be dealt with severely by the criminal justice system. Programs that prevent family violence and treat victims and abusers are a priority.
  • Honor killings are not tolerated in Canadian culture and must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

48) Gun Controls

  • We support gun control that improves public safety and will reduce the criminal use of firearms.
  • We believe that the criminal use of firearms should be severely punished and that the right of law-abiding citizens to own and use firearms must be protected..
  • We believe that it is essential that programs are put in place to ensure that only law-abiding citizens are able to secure firearms and that the illegal supply of firearms in this country is eliminated.

49) Police Services

  • We believe it is essential to have a properly trained, and funded law enforcement agency in all areas of this country. We support the need for the flow of information between all law enforcement services in order to provide maximum protection to all law-abiding citizens and visitors to this country.

50) Bullying

  • The act of bullying a person online (Cyber) or offline should be considered a criminal offense and be dealt with in criminal court to the full extent of the law possible.
  • We believe social programs need to be put into place that will help stop bullying and allow Canadians to report instances where they see people being bullied so intervention may occur.

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51) Immigration

  • We believe that an immigration policy must be compatible with Canada’s economic needs and oppose any immigration policy based on race or country of origin. We believe current immigration levels are too high and are crippling our economy.
  • We believe our immigration policy must be a three-tier program. We believe the unification of New Canadians and Canadian residents with their families still living abroad should be a priority and account for the largest number of new Canadians being let in the country (70%) through our Family Reunification Immigration program.
  • We believe the second largest group of immigrants allowed into this country should able to do so through an Economic Development immigration program. Certain requirements will need to be met that include minimum investment into Canadian companies, Bonds or collateral being posted to guarantee performance, and payments made to cover their costs of assuming their fair share of our national debt.
  • We believe that Canada does share a responsibility with other first world countries to allow recognized refugees into the country and our 3rd tier refugee program should limit the number of refugees into the country to about 10% of total immigrants to ensure that our countries resources are enough to give them proper care and help them get integrated and become contributing members of our society.

52) Refugees

  • We believe that genuine refugees should be welcomed into the country, but bogus refugees and people that enter Canada illegally should be quickly deported.

53) United Nations

  • We believe only the Canadian people through their government should decide which refugees and how many refugees should be allowed to enter this country.
  • We believe the United Nations is no longer fulfilling the role for which it was formed and a review must be conducted to determine if it is even worthwhile to maintain Canada’s participation and financial support of this organization.

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54) Multiculturalism

  • We uphold the right of citizens and private groups to preserve their cultural heritage using their own resources, but we oppose taxpayer funding of multiculturalism.

55) Culture

  • We believe that Canadian cultural sectors can grow and thrive without needless government protection and regulation.


56) Aboriginal Peoples

  • We believe the government, through a democratic process, should assist aboriginal people to take responsibility for the programs affecting them, and encourage economic self-sufficiency.

57) Native Self-Government

  • We support the development of native self-government that is democratic, Responsible, and subject to Canadian law, including the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.


58) Defense

  • We support the maintenance of a well-trained, and well-equipped armed forces. We also support a re-examination of the mission and role of the armed forces.

59) Canadian Intelligence Services

  • We recognize the need for a properly equipped and sufficiently funded intelligence service to protect the citizens of this country from foreign and domestic groups that seek to harm or destroy our Canadian way of life and strip us of the rights we are guaranteed in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

60) External Affairs

  • We support a foreign policy that is guided by the values and principles of Canadians – political democracy, economic freedom, and human rights.

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61) Foreign Aid

  • We believe that foreign aid should be directed primarily through nongovernmental organizations and that the level of foreign aid should be reduced.


62) Public Transportation Services

  • We believe that a public transportation policy must be created so that every person that resides in this province has access to public transportation. We believe public transportation in Canada is an essential service and should be declared as such. We recognize the need to provide these services to even the remotest areas of this country.

63) Internet & Communication

  • We recognize the need for unrestricted access to the internet and other forms of communication in all areas of this country.

64) Legal Monopolies

  • We believe that all companies in all sectors of the Canadian market should be competing freely without interference from the government. Trade boards that fix the prices of the goods that we purchase keep the costs of these products high to Canadians and this practice must be stopped.

65) Property Rights

  • We believe that the rights and privileges of ownership should not be limited to real property and should also include the ownership of contractual relationships like insurance policies and loan certificates.

66) Self Regulating Agencies.

We believe that the government should have a review and arbitration system for those professionals that are self-regulation to ensure that all members of these professions are treated fairly and that their professional standards are maintained to the highest degree possible.


We believe that the bank of Canada needs to operate in the best interest of all Canadians and that the strength of our currency needs to be maintained to protect our economy and the interests of all Canadians.


We believe that Canada’s natural resources should be protected and used to the benefit of all Canadians first and not for the benefit of export to other countries at discounted rates.


  • We firmly believe that blockchain may be the wave of the future but recognize the need for a very careful review of this technology to prevent its use for illegal and fraudulent purposes.

70) Place Your Concern Here

  • We firmly believe that the voice of all Canadians must be heard and their concerns must be addressed.

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